Citizen Kane is hailed by many film critics as the best film of all time, and was revolutionary in its use of new filmmaking techniques.
The films most successful element is its use of new and experimental camera techniques, the iconic shot in the Kane household when he is being sold as a child is a favourite of mine the use of a deep focus lens allows the fore, mid and background of the scene to be seen at once, highlighting how powerless Kane is as a young boy.
The use of a non-linear plots with the action beginning in the future and then jumping backwards gives a otherwise boring film a fun twist and sense of mystery.
While the film is not one that I particularly enjoy I do find the drama surrounding the production of the film incredibly interesting. The controversy surrounding its title characters connection to real-life publishing tycoon William Hearst. A film that I did enjoy incredibly is the film 'Mank' (2020) which tells the story of Herman J. Mankiewicz and the real life people that the characters are based on.